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23 April 2010

Karen and Monika

Karen and Monika
View and review. In the age of celebrity namedropping, calling everyone by their first name as they would be your neighbours, have a look at Karen and Monika.

Karen / made out of the ordinary
KAREN is a very extraordinary ordinary magazine and has become decidedly cult reading. More interested in the weather than what to wear, sell by dates than celebrity, and serves up a delightful dish of the everyday, gently observed and presented as something quite unique. It's another way of looking at, and dealing with daily life. Beauty is a washing line, health is Pat’s and Carol’s bunions. Art is a visit to the local tattoo parlour, and gardening is a mole that needs catching in the garden. Website Karen magazine

Monika / about what is said.
Monika is an arts journal that does away with bylines. As respite from the exhaustive branding of conventional media, contributors adopt a disguise that enables them to experiment with new material or style, to bypass expectation and to play. By placing the quality of her content over the marketability of her contributors, Monika invites readers to decode identities, unravel mysteries and embrace the unfamiliar. Website Monika magazine

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