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Magazine's ABC: Archive - Books & Context. Magazine Culture, graphic design, photography, illustration, print, journalism and content About a whole lot of vintage magazines and one single issue. Questions? e-mail: mb[at]magazinebrands[dot]be

22 April 2010

Dorade (France)

OUT with the old and IN with the NEW. Dorade from France captures a decided fast-forward take on magazine-making, personal indentity, style choice and use of photography. Well done, et douze point pour la France. Or, as they brilliantly are well and able to describe themselves on their Dorade website;

'Brilliant and sinuous, collector of photographic discoveries and forms of criticism, Dorade is an artistic periodical where mermaids admit to their slightly fishy odour. Dorade is a show, a series of performances, and a statement in serial issues. Neither old nor young, but both naive and sneering: it enjoys drawing poetic parallels between the people and places it examines. Does Dorade draw its inspiration from the people it encounters or is it an inspiration in and of itself? All those who have featured in its pages tend to resemble it, becoming a caricature of themselves – like Dorade, the sponge that absorbs and expectorates them.

Somewhere between a chic shark and a straight talking carp, Dorade enjoys rolling around in breadcrumbs, asking silly questions then gleaning spawning theories, maximising the absurd and pursuing metaphors to the bitter end. Although it may take the joke too far, it knows how to make up for it the next time around.'
